* Required Information

Personal Details

Full Name:
Phone #:
Birth Date:

So that we may complete your request, please provide your contact information. If you have both a U.S. and Canadian address, please enter both below.

Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
Please enter a 10-digit phone number, including your area code.
Please enter your date of birth.
Please enter a valid email address.

U.S. Contact Information

You must select either a Canadian address or U.S. address.
Please enter your U.S. address.
Please enter a valid suite number.
Please enter your city.
Please enter your state.
Please enter your zip code.

Canadian Contact Information

You must select either a Canadian address or U.S. address.
Please enter your Canadian address.
Please enter a valid suite number.
Please enter your city.
Please enter your province.
Please enter your postal code.

Select Accounts


In accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (Right to Access Personal Information) I am requesting a list of personal information you have collected about me – as well as the business purpose for that collection – for the preceding 12-month period.

I have the following types of accounts with RBC Bank (Georgia), N.A.: (Check all that apply) Please check at least one box to identify the type(s) of account(s) you hold with RBC Bank.

Review & Confirm

You will receive a response within 45 days.

RBC Bank (Georgia), N.A. does not sell any personal information. Please see our Privacy Policy.